Sunday, September 15, 2013

Planting a Seed

Trying to clean up my studio, saw a cigar box and said, "hummmm."
Decided to paint this little lady with her flowers on this  rainy Sunday afternoon.  She says never to give up on the power of planting
and growing a seed.  I am reading  Run  by Ann Pachett and  touched about one of the mother's, Tennessee, who made the choice to give up her 2 sons so that her seeds would have a chance to leave the dark projects of Boston and grow in the light.


Amanda Trought said...

She is lovely. I spent the day as well cleaning up the studio, it might be a small space but it is all mine. Hope you are well.

Karoda said...

I love this and I think I would like to read that book. Are you on Goodreads?