My Mother prayed for me. Brenda's Mother, Ruby.
Always, always loved books, could not imagine a world without them.
A prayer. This was written by my friend to be used as a part of her
"going home" celebration. The most beautiful closure of this life that
I have ever experienced. One of her gorgeous quilts covered her
going-home casket.
I like this! QP
This is beautiful. I can see that it was heartfelt. Thank you for putting this on your blog. I love that I had a tiny part in your creativity. I remember you thought you had a plan for it and you followed through! That's much better than I would have done. Hooray for you.
Thank you Sandy and Pam. It still has a page to go, I looked for a praying hand book for years and Sandy had a couple, so she sent me one. That's what friends are for..............
It's wonderful. I still couldn't see much detail in Eden, but I can assume after your explanation. Your images are great. I have a few images that look like that, but they are blurry. Have you done any ancestral studies?
oh my goodness. this is phenomenal.
This is sooo special!! I love it. You do an awesome job on altering books!! So precious!! And you even have a poem by your good friend Jacqueline!
You are very creative, my friend!
Patrina <")>><
Brenda, This book is so touching. Thank you for sharing it.
Oh, oh, oh!! This is amazing!!!
Love this! What a neat idea.
This is lovely, such a great idea, and inspiring I feel some time in the studio is overdue for me.
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