Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving


GlorV1 said...

Oh how I wish I could do cards. I've tried before, they just don't come out. Have a great weekend.

Sherry Goodloe said...

Hi Brenda! Love your thanksgiving card a lot.

Anonymous said...

this is GORGEOUS! happy thanksgiving to you, too!

Nancy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you.....

I have enjoyed visiting your blog...I love the colors and your work is wonderful.....

kate blue said...

wow-you are very talented...this is simply the way the colors flow so smoothly :)

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice tfs!!!

KnottyAuthor said...

Your pictures are becoming more vivid and poignant. It's as though you are reaching through to another dimension and pulling out into this time. But it's not quite complete because it's without borders; but, still caught between different dimensions...kewl